sæy GREEN - Tee for TREE
Hence embracing a conscious fashion community by living your way in a sustainable manner has been the set goal to be achieved by sæy GREEN.
What made sæy GREEN ?
During Covid-19 Lockdown period, in social media good many people including few celebrities were campaigning for revaluation of EIA 2020 (Environment Impact Assessment) bill in India, posting about Amazon Rain Forest fires in Brazil, and Bush fire catastrophe -burning more than 20% of Australian forests, which gave us thoughts to solve the issue from our end by sharing our profits to plant trees.
So what we do in sæy GREEN?
sæy Green will dedicate to plant at least a tree for each T- Shirt or Top sold, which would be managed by our very own team. Our annual investment plan to plant trees would reflect the needs of the environmental organizations we partner with, as well as the environmental issues you care about most.