Be the CHANGE.
100% Size Happiness Guarantee
Experience risk-free shopping. If we miss your perfect size on your first item, we'll ship a free replacement. No return required.
Why saey7! ?
If in case, you are travelling to USA/ Africa with longer transit time, else to Delhi from Kanyakumari or vice versa by train or any above 14hrs; with regular cotton innerwear you would feel irritation / uncomfortableness but our saey 7!'s Micro Bamboo inners would keep you Relaxed & Comfortable throughout.
As our Micro Bamboo Fabric is highly absorbable like 7x to cotton, it Absorbs your body sweat Superbly.
Since we had worked & manufactured for Multiple International Brands, our Product Quality is Insanely Great compared to any product in the market. It is really Ultra Soft and Long Lasting.
Last but not least we have used Top notch quality German sewing thread which enhances the seam to be as soft as fabric and also instead of stickers for size and wash care labels we use Skin Friendly Italian Ink, as it doesn't break during washes or make you feel itchy.